
The ALP initiative aims at developing experienced leaders’ leadership capacity, to prepare them for complex roles in a fast changing environment, across regions and countries in the Finance Sector.


The Challenge

After having expanded aggressively through a series of mergers and acquisitions, our client was faced with new leadership challenges:

  • integrating different organisational cultures
  • working in matrix structures
  • keeping employee engagement high
  • coping with increased complexity
  • maintaining high levels of performance
  • nurturing a culture of openness and transparent communication


The solution

A leadership development initiative across all management levels of the organisation, to help the organisation’s leaders develop the necessary awareness, mindsets and skills to be effective in their challenging roles.

Antoine Kissenpfennig designed this large-scale programme and the ALP is part of this initiative.



The ALP consists of two five-day modules. Module 1 focuses on specific aspects of leadership, while module 2 emphasises a complex leadership simulation.

Each run consists of 18-24 participants, divided into learning groups of 6.

The large group provides the necessary complexity for the more elaborate projects, exercises and simulations and is also a great networking opportunity.

The small learning groups allow for personal coaching, high levels of self-disclosure, mutual support and individualised development.

Module 1ALPgrouppicwww

Consists of a balanced mix of inputs, exercises and facilitated sessions that give space for group dynamics and for participants to bring in their unique issues and challenges.

Main topics:

MBTI and personal preferences

Participants explore their personality types in a series of interactive experiments first. After having received their MBTI questionnaire results, together with a coaching partner and their facilitator, they then apply their findings to their individual leadership challenges.

High Performing Teams

After a brief input on team dynamics and team fundamentals, participants experiment with the theory in several small team exercises that highlight the necessity for goal setting, clear roles & responsibilities, process orientation, inclusiveness and so forth.

Communication (asserting and listening)

Participants practice high quality listening with various partners and then work on asserting a position. They receive continuous feedback and support from their peers and the facilitator team.

Dialogue with CEO or Executive Manager

The large group is tasked with preparing and conducting a dialogue session with a regional or country Executive. Current issues, organisational strategy and future plans can be addressed, as well as personal leadership journey and individual views on leadership.

Stakeholder Management

This session and exercise invites participants to think systemically about influencing across the organisation, by taking the perspective of different stakeholders and their interests and challenges into consideration.

Leadership Scenarios

Here participants work in pairs and trios and prepare specific, business relevant leadership scenarios for each other. A rotation process ensures that all participants are exposed to a wide variety of different scenarios (such as negotiations, conflict management, decision making). In each round participants provide and receive feedback from their peers and a faciltitator.

Action Learning

In the learning groups each member is invited to share a personal challenge. The rest of the group acts as a sounding board and supports their peer through coaching and mentoring.

Personal Feedback

After this intense five-day journey each group member receives individual feedback by the rest of their learning group and the facilitator in an honest and supportive environment.


In addition participants were invited to join different sessions on self-management, relaxation and breathing exercises in the mornings and evenings.


Module 2


Leadership Simulation (3 days)

The centre of this module is a 3-day leadership exercise where sub-teams work as part of a larger context with different tasks, interests and interdependences.

This simulation is entirely owned and run by the participants themselves. They work on real, current organisational issues and those to a team of executive managers at the end present. In between, during time-outs the groups are invited to reflect on their personal contributions and the group processes and share feedback.

Inputs on Change, Conflicts and Trust

After the simulation and before the final presentation participants rotate through a circuit of brief inputs on change, conflict management and the role of trust in an organisational context.


Participants receive personal 1:1 coaching by their respective facilitators on personal issues.

Individual Feedback

At the end of this journey, participants prepare a creative, appreciative and visual form of feedback for each other.

The Outcome

Participants as well as organisational stakeholders have received the ALP with great enthusiasm. As it exists alongside other development initiatives across hierarchical levels, the learning is embedded in the organisational culture and sustained.

Participants leave this intellectually and emotionally challenging, stimulating, touching and faceted journey with a sense of empowerment, and new-found trust in their own capabilities and the organisation.