
A communication programme for experienced professionals, providing an in-depth, experiential understanding of the underlying dynamics of inter-personal communication. Participants learn to express themselves with more impact, to build more effective, rewarding relationships based on empathy and authenticity, and to enhance their conflict management skills.


The programme explores cognitive and emotional processes underpinning communication behaviour, while providing ample opportunities to practice and apply new communication principles. 360-degree feedback helps participants establish individual learning goals. Throughout the three day journey participants work with their own real-life material, so that the experience becomes highly relevant for each individual. In addition, inputs on important communication topics are provided.

A mix of challenge, reflection, feedback and mutual support creates a lively, open, stimulating and fun learning environment. Learning group meetings and learning partners enhance the sustainability of the intervention.


Day 1

  • 360 Feedback
  • Destructive external and internal communication patterns
  • Deep listening practice and self-disclosure


Day 2

  • Body language and story telling
  • Transactional Analysis
  • Self- and stress management


Day 3

  • Non-Violent Communication
  • In-depth individual feedback
  • Action-planning and learning groups



After its launch in 2011 the programme has quickly turned into one of the most sought-after offerings of the client’s Academy. This success is down to the programme’s strong practical, experiential and process orientation as well as ongoing design improvements based on participant feedback.

Many almuni report that the experience has lead to meaningful, sometimes dramatic real-world improvements. Many grow a new sense of confidence, assertiveness as well as more empathy and compassion, which then allows for healthier peer and client-relationships.

Thanks to the high levels of trust that this process generates, many participants enjoy ongoing support and learning relationships with their programme peers months, and even years after the event.