
online courses


The Japanese art of Kintsugi describes the breaking of a pot, that is then put back together with liquid gold or silver. It looks like this:   We usually don’t break our vases willingly, but here, what was a mundane[…]

The dominance of our digital world with all its amazing benefits, has also given rise to an increasingly fake and narcissistic culture, that commodifies every-thing and every-body and instead of focusing its energies on producing more quality, it celebrates improved[…]

In 1958, Mao Zedong devised The Great Sparrow Campaign, a radical plan to improve China’s food supply. Because sparrows like to pick grain seeds, they reduced the farmers’ yields, so Zedong called on his people to kill as many sparrows as[…]

Approaching leadership with a power-with rather than a power-over mind-set can result in a profound transformation of organisational culture. It moves group dynamics away from fear, blame, silos, frustration and disengagement towards ownership, cooperation, creativity and meaning. This kind of[…]

For an old misanthrope such as yours truly, books on positive psychology are equally a challenge and a good idea. With “The Happiness Advantage“ Harvard graduate and fellow consultant Shawn Acor did a wonderful job of making an elegant, simple, extensive[…]

What a fantastic ride into the dark corners of the mind it was. Subtle, touching, hilarious, enlightening – I was deeply impressed by the nine-day SAT retreat that I recently attended together with 41 others at the ZIST institute. The SAT (Seekers[…]

I started to meditate by coincidence. As part of my Karate training, we’d sit in contemplation for a few minutes before and after each training session. Even though I was only ten years old the calming, clarifying and refreshing effect[…]

This is my final gala speech, after the 6 months public speaking development journey with I’m very grateful to have had this opportunity and to share this amazing experience with a group of outstanding, wonderful and inspiring individuals. It has enriched[…]

The first time I encountered Marshall on an old DVD. Slouching heavily on a chair, he wore a jumper that must have been outdated before it was made. His movements were relaxed and nonchalant. He spoke slowly and assertively, and[…]

Author and public speaking expert Sarah Lloyd-Hughes on finding meaning in your speaking, story telling and a 30 seconds imprivisation. Sarah’s website: Sarah’s book: How to be brilliant at public speaking  

Author and public speaking expert Sarah Lloyd-Hughes on her own inspirational speaking journey and the power of authenticity. Sarah’s website: Sarah’s book: How to be brilliant at public speaking  

In my Karate days, I represented Aston University at a national competition in Glasgow. I was in the men’s 80+ kg group. While waiting for my first fight I watched various other fights, and one gentleman in particular stood out. He was[…]